Dr. Serene Lim, Ph.D

Professional Academic Editor, Educator & Coach Since 1991


Where the thesis or dissertation submitted to me is in its final stage, and does not require additional input or revision from the Candidate, I can complete the editing and return a submission-ready version 6 to 7 days after payment has been received.

This is for Doctoral dissertations of up to 80,000 words.

For Master’s theses, the turnaround time is approximately 3 days.

Please be mindful that during certain weeks or months in the year, I receive a deluge of book chapters, dissertations and grant proposals in my inbox with a “I have to submit this by TOMORROW!” deadline.

I advise that you check with me early for an estimated time line of when you should send your work to me.

If I have agreed to finish editing your work by a certain date, I will meet my promised deadline.

On your part, if you have requested that I set aside a set number of days for your project, please have the courtesy to inform me soon as you know you will be late in sending me your work, as I have to adjust my schedule accordingly.

Please note: I do not start editing until I have received payment in full.

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