More importantly, I have an established track record for getting my clients to their first-choice destination, specifically:
If you’ve come to this website, it’s likely because you’ve been referred by someone you trust.
I’ve heard numerous times from new clients that their department head (Dean, Director, or Provost) or dissertation adviser had made the referral. (That accounts for over 85% of my new clients.)
As an academic coach, I count among my most recent successes:
For the record: most of my clients remain clients for years (see here, here, here, and here). Some long-term clients have gone on to refer their doctoral students, so yes, the 2nd gen has been coming to me the last several years.
Spatial distance is never an issue. (If you need to know how, just ask.) Most of my clients live several time zones away from me: specifically, on five continents (and counting), and I’ve only met about 10% of those I’ve worked with over the years.
It doesn’t matter what your area of specialization is. I cover the breadth and depth of fields — from Architecture, to Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Law, Medicine, Theology, Zoology, and all other fields from “A” to “Z.” (The only fields I don’t typically work with are the Mathematical Sciences and Quantum Physics, though I do edit using LaTeX.
… and much, much more.
100% Successful Doctoral Completion Rates with those I coached or whose dissertations I edited, with Numerous Receiving “A” or “Highly Commended,” and/or Outstanding or Best Dissertation Awards.
100% Success With LL.M Applicants to Highly Selective Law Schools in Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, and the USA (all received two or more admission offers, and over 90% received merit-based scholarship offers)
Over 95% Client Applicants Received Doctoral Admission Offers from their First-Choice Universities, almost entirely Ivy League and Public Ivies in the United States, as well as Top 100 Universities Worldwide.
Over 90% Success With Tenure-Track, postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar clients in the United States, as well as Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Singapore, Spain and Sweden.
Over 80% Success with Clients’ Grant Applications up to US$1 million.
Over 60% Success with clients’ Grant Applications in the US$1 million to US$5 million range.
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