...of all doctoral students complete their degree within 10 years.
Council of Graduate Schools, USA
Whether you choose to call it Attrition, Drop Out, or Incomplete, the reality is, 1 in 2 never complete their Doctorate!
The Stories Are Always The Same…
You’ve (re)written your chapters so many times, it’s become a jumble of words.
You CAN’T WAIT to get out of Grad School, but your Thesis Adviser doesn’t think your Dissertation will ever be ready, or “Good Enough” to submit.
You’re a Year 6, 7, 8, or (ahem!) 9 Doctoral Candidate.
Funding Is About to End, or Has Ended.
Job’s Waiting.
Wedding’s On Hold.
Your Spouse and Children Are Upset.
Parents (Or In-Laws) Are On Your Case.
What Do You Want To Do?
Every Month, I Receive Numerous Editing & Coaching Referrals From Doctoral Thesis Advisers About Their Stressed-Out Doctoral Candidates, Many Of Them A-B-D [All But Dissertation]…
“Dr.”-Wannabes… Stuck Perpetually In The “Can’t Seem To Finish” Track.
If You’re Serious About Completing Your Doctorate or Book...