Dr. Serene Lim, Ph.D

Professional Academic Editor, Educator & Coach Since 1991


Ziyi Tang, University of Pennsylvania

I appreciate your hard work in my Master’s application.  You are a professional and experienced editor with high efficiency.

I like your revision of my Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement.  Your revision is very well-structured and precisely express what I want to say.

With your help, I received an offer from MIT’s Master of City Planning with 75% tuition waiver and an offer from University of Cambridge’s Master of Architecture and Urban Studies.  Thank you so much for your patient help and for being so awesome!



[July 2020]



在您的帮助下,我收到了麻省理工学院城市规划硕士的录取(75%奖学金以及带薪研究助理职位),以及剑桥大学建筑与城市研究硕士的录取。 非常感谢您耐心和专业的帮助!

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