Dr. Serene Lim, Ph.D

Professional Academic Editor, Educator & Coach Since 1991


I started the law program in 2019.

Initially, my approach was to memorize a large amount of information and apply everything I knew to the question.  I failed to apply specific knowledge to questions and took a far too descriptive approach to the study of law that did not enable me to achieve high marks.

This was the wrong method.  I failed.

I began working with Dr. Serene, who developed a plan so I could be successful in the May 2020 exam…

Her honest and direct feedback to practice exams allowed me to make the relevant changes to my writing style to be successful in the program.

Even under the challenging circumstances of COVID-19, I was able to achieve a second-upper classification, far above what I anticipated.

I am always impressed by the amount of work she does both during and outside of our scheduled meeting times by providing relevant feedback and quickly responding to inquiries.

She has provided invaluable instruction, and I look forward to completing my final year with her help.


[Oct. 21, 2020]

[Dec. 14, 2020 – Update : “I scored two Firsts — Public Law, and Tort!”]



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