Penn Is Not A Format Style
Me: What format style does your program require? 1st Year Doctoral Student: What do you mean? Me: Academic referencing… you know, as in, APA style? Chicago? Harvard? Doctoral Student: Penn! I’m in U Penn! It was a cold, dark, winter afternoon in early February when D and I met to discuss his writing. After […]
“Corporate Speak” In Academe: When You Submit Your Dissertation Is A Matter Of… Strategy
During my consultation last week with a 4th-year Doctoral candidate about his research and career plans, I cautiously asked if he was “on the job market.” His university, which Times Higher Education ranks among the Top 30 Universities Worldwide, had awarded him a 12-month Visiting Fellowship to a U.S. “Public Ivy” research university to work […]
Be A Specialist — But, Please, Speak To Your Audience
Some years ago, I found myself with a medical situation that perplexed a specialist, so he sent me to another specialist. Three months later, the problem was still unresolved — and didn’t seem like there was even a medical term for it. Will I ever recover? I asked. “If I knew, I’d be retired in […]
“You’ll Never Be The Same Again…”
Watching four fathers from very different backgrounds compete for top honors — and $10,000 — in last night’s Father’s Day segment on Chopped!, I came away with three amazing (parallel) thoughts… – Competing for top place (or completing your PhD) doesn’t have to be stressful… it can even be fun! – Reasons for entering a […]
Panning For Gold, A Research Problem… Or Just Something To Wear
Have you ever walked into your monstrous walk-in closet and wondered, “Hm, what can I wear?” Or, as in that LG commercial, where the guy stands in front of the multiple-door refrigerator and can’t seem to find what he’s looking for. For many graduate students, trying to establish an appropriate theoretical framework or narrowly define […]